El corazón de la Tebaida leonesa esconde un encantador pueblo por descubrir
Este lugar revela ya en su topónimo algunas de sus virtudes, la estampa de sus nevadas cuestas en invierno y la importancia que el cercano Camino de S...
Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a 14:00 | 15:00 a 18:00
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[email protected]It is a cosy hotel located in the heart of Amsterdam within walking distance of the Central Train Station where also all trams and busses leave from. Several trams also stop in front of the hotel, to bring you everywhere. The central location of the hotel makes it he perfect operating base to explore Amsterdam in your own time.||In 2005 the lobby was renovated into a trendy and warm lounge. Also Piazza D'Oro opened, a luxurious coffee bar, where breakfast is served.
Nieuwezijdse Voorburgwal, 50 Amsterdam Ciudad (1012 SC Amsterdam)
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